Patent Award

We are very happy to share that our Patent has been awarded as the best Spanish Patent of 2022. This award is granted by the Spanish Patent Office (OEPM, Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas). The Patent is protected in Spain (ES2891178 – Procedimiento y...

New article publication

VISHELIO team publishes a new article in Renewable Energy journal. The work, entitled Canting heliostats with computer vision and theoretical imaging, summarizes the main findings and developments of VISHELIO project. The article is open-access at:...

New round of field tests at Plataforma Solar de Almería

We visited again the biggest centre for research, development and testing in Europe devoted to concentrated solar energy technologies. This time, we spent a whole week working on canting heliostats using our technique and the preliminary results seemed promising. Now...

Communications accepted in Solar Paces 2021

We are proud to announce that we got three communications accepted in Solar Paces. One of them as an oral session and two more as posters. Quantification of Canting Errors: Technique Combining Camera Vision with Theoretical (Oral presentation)Detecting the Reflection...
First tests at Plataforma Solar de Almería

First tests at Plataforma Solar de Almería

We have been to an actual thermosolar plant for a first approach towards the upcoming real-world tests in the VISHELIO project. We were able to select a suitable testing place with two full-fledged heliostats that suited the project’s needs. On that fruitful...

Preliminary design of the testbed complete

The testbed consists of two structures. The first one holds the facet and allows its canting to check the performance of the correction method. The second structure integrates the camera with a simulated facet. The idea is to align both structures so the camera can...